Sindie's Blog

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Being sick makes me appreciate being healthy a lot more. Isn't that how life is, though? Something has to be taken away from us for us to appreciate it... truly. I have spent the past five days nursing a very bad cold. It has not been fun, to say the very least. I spent the weekend resting and didn't go out of the house. I wound up leaving work early yesterday. I'm doing well enough today, but it's still not 100%. In the course of these days, I've eaten very little. Last I weighed myself two days ago, I had lost about 7 lbs. And I am underweight to begin with. At 5 ft., 9 in. and 128 lbs, I may be getting at a point where that's unhealthy. Of course in high school I weighed about 10 lbs less, but I was very, very skinny back then.

posted by Sindie 12:25 PM

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