Sindie's Blog

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Yes, finally... I bring you a real update.

So, this past weekend was the most amazing experience ever for me. I went on a retreat through church called the Emmaus Walk. Talk about spiritually uplifting and feeling loved! It was a group of 35 women, from different churches, most of whom didn't know each other before. There were about 25 women who were table leaders, speakers, helpers, etc. That's about 60 women.

Anyway, I was at the Table of Mary. There were 7 ladies at my table, including me. You would swear we had known each other before. By the end of the first day, we were hugging and crying on each others' shoulders. I have never felt so moved in all my years of going to church. This was truly a blessing from above.

Now, the downside... I got a bad cold. I started coming down with it on Sunday, but felt okay and survived the rest of the weekend. By that night, I was a mess. I couldn't sleep because my nose was so plugged up, and the pressure in my ears was unbearable. Nothing helped. On Monday, I started home from work, feeling absolutely miserable. On top of the sinus issues, I felt achy, fatigued, had the shivers, and a slight fever. I may have the flu. I'm not sure. I thankfully felt improved yesterday, but not well enough to return to work. By this morning, I thought I would be okay for returning to work. Think again. I managed three and a half hours and then came back home. I kept blowing my nose every five minutes and have starting coughing. I pray this is nearing the end. Yuck.

Well, all in all, the good obviously out weighs the bad. If anything, this past weekend has really made me rethink how I treat others. I know we never reach the goal of the people we want to be, but we need to keep striving. There's always room for improvement.

posted by Sindie 3:55 PM

Monday, October 09, 2006

Yes, since I haven't updated this in a while, here's an update:

So, I accomplished a lot over the weekend, but it wasn't fun stuff. I cleaned out the garage, including knocking down spider webs and sweeping it out. I want to throw away a bunch of stuff tonight (garbage day is tomorrow). I took out the screens and cleaned the windows, preparing for winter, although the weather was gorgeous. It was in the 70s and sunny both days. Good weather equals work outside. I cut back the plants for the winter.The nice weather is going to be leaving really soon, though. By Thursday, I think it's supposed to be a high of 46 and a low of 35! Brrr! Yuck!

The leaves are changing and will probably peak by this weekend. I really love the fall, but once the leaves are down, I look forward to snow and Christmas. I love snow for the holidays, but come January, it needs to go bye-bye.

So, yeah... I haven't worked on my original story nearly as much as I would have like. I've written down preliminary stuff and am organizing my notes. I ordered a program through Amazon two weeks ago the help with organizing a story, but it hasn't even shipped yet, so I don't know what's up with that.

What else? Ummm, I need to clean up the one bedroom upstairs. We got our new bed on Saturday (a really comfy king!), and I moved a bunch of my art/writing stuff out of the room. I need to go through it and put it somewhere else. Oh, the highlight of the weekend was going out on Saturday night. Erik and I went out with his friend Jeremy and Jeremy girlfriend, Jen. We went to the haunted house, but it wasn't that scary. I laughed more than screamed. LOL! The one guy dressed up as a monster or whatever growled at me, and I said, "Hey, how ya doin'?" He then proceeded to hiss at me. I guess he didn't like being talked to! LOL! After that, we went out for a deer (pumpkin spice flavored...mmm!).

Well, ttfn!

posted by Sindie 2:08 PM

Monday, March 20, 2006

Today started off rough, but got better as the day went on (for the most part). I woke up, exercised, got dressed, made my lunch, and was just about to leave when my car decided not to start. I stuck the key in the ignition and turned it, but the car wouldn't kick in to fully starting. Erik parked my car in the garage last night and had turned the steeling wheel, which goofed up my ability to start it properly. Needless to say, I freaked out, called work to say I'd be late (and the reason why) and then called Erik. He was sweet and came all the way home from his work. He got it to work by giving the car a little gas (pressing the gas pedal, duh).

Got to work fine, but then it was a pain finding a parking space. There was a guy driving a jeep like a maniac up and down the aisles. I thought he was going to hit someone or something. Idiot. Then, he didn't hold the door open for me when I was walking in, and I was only ten feet or so behind him. The sheer rudeness of people really annoys me.

Anyway, work was fine. I wasn't busy at all, which was nice. Amy and Soumika (two of my coworkers who were out due to medical reasons for the past several weeks) were back, and the lab is going out for lunch tomorrow to celebrate their returns. I'm glad they're doing better.

When I got home, I got my passport (Yay!) and two letters: one from Hailey, Erik's younger cousin, who is a huge Harry Potter fan, and one from Ophelie, the girl who was my French exchange student in high school. I hadn't heard from her in about six years, and I had written to her a few months ago and was very pleased to see she had written back! I now have her email address and can write to her that way.

Other good news is that Mousie (my one cat) hasn't pee-ed on the carpet in the computer room for three days. We were having the hardest time trying to get her to stop. On Saturday morning, I scrubbed the whole room really well and deodorized it with several different things. So far, so good.

Some annoying stuff happening regarding my online life. The fanfic I'm working on right now was submitted to a new site, which is really, really picky about grammar, punctuation, etc. Now, I know I have good grammar, etc. I had made a couple of minor errors, and they had emailed me about it, but I never got their emails because they went to the trash folder of my email! I tried telling them this, and they were kind of rude about it. I finally fixed the errors, three of which were spelling errors/made up words.

I have a tendency of making up words without even realizing it. I had one written "defeatedly." Apparently, that's not a word! Sounds like it should be! "Implorably" and "squalored" are not words, either. If you can "implore," but can't something be "implorable?" If there's "squalor," why not "squalored?" It's "squalid." :p Blah. Whatever. Sometimes the English language confuses me. And this error: "Most importantly, though, she..." They said it should be "Most importantly though, she..." I always thought "though" was to be off-set by commas!

Well, enough for today. I'm tired.

posted by Sindie 8:53 PM

Monday, March 13, 2006


How annoying!

Yesterday, I occasionally had muscle twitches near the inner part of my left knee, on the thigh. It's continued intermittently today, and my knee feels tingly and stiff. I went to the doctor and was told it's fairly common for people who work out for this to happen, but the muscle twitches aren't as common as the knee problem.

Apparently, my knee cap isn't completely in line, either. I do hope this goes away soon. He recommended certain exercises to do, to increase the strength of the knee, which I've done. I hope I don't have to go to a physical therapist. I'll see if it goes away in the next few days. Blah.

posted by Sindie 8:04 PM

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